Bun 的測試執行器透過 --coverage
bun test --coverage
✓ math > add [0.71ms]
✓ math > multiply [0.03ms]
✓ random [0.13ms]
File | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files | 66.67 | 77.78 |
math.ts | 50.00 | 66.67 |
random.ts | 50.00 | 66.67 |
3 pass
0 fail
3 expect() calls
若要設定最低覆蓋率門檻,請將下列程式碼行新增至 bunfig.toml
。這表示 90% 的程式碼庫必須由測試覆蓋。
# to require 90% line-level and function-level coverage
coverageThreshold = 0.9
如果你的測試套件未達到此門檻,bun test
bun test --coverage
<test output>
echo $?
1 # this is the exit code of the previous command
# to set different thresholds for lines and functions
coverageThreshold = { line = 0.5, function = 0.7 }
請參閱 文件 > 測試執行器 > 覆蓋率,以取得 Bun 中程式碼覆蓋率回報的完整文件。