在建立 WebSocket 伺服器時,通常需要儲存一些識別資訊或與每個已連線用戶端相關的內容。
使用 Bun.serve(),在連線最初升級時,透過在 server.upgrade()
呼叫中傳遞 data
Bun.serve<{ socketId: number }>({
fetch(req, server) {
const success = server.upgrade(req, {
data: {
socketId: Math.random(),
if (success) return undefined;
// handle HTTP request normally
// ...
websocket: {
// define websocket handlers
async message(ws, message) {
// the contextual dta is available as the `data` property
// on the WebSocket instance
console.log(`Received ${message} from ${ws.data.socketId}}`);
從傳入的請求中讀取 cookie/標頭以識別連線的用戶端是很常見的作法。
type WebSocketData = {
createdAt: number;
token: string;
userId: string;
// TypeScript: specify the type of `data`
async fetch(req, server) {
// use a library to parse cookies
const cookies = parseCookies(req.headers.get("Cookie"));
const token = cookies["X-Token"];
const user = await getUserFromToken(token);
const upgraded = server.upgrade(req, {
data: {
createdAt: Date.now(),
token: cookies["X-Token"],
userId: user.id,
if (upgraded) return undefined;
websocket: {
async message(ws, message) {
// save the message to a database
await saveMessageToDatabase({
message: String(message),
userId: ws.data.userId,